THE EASY READER BIBLE in English - ...descriptive information goes here - ©. - and here

THE EASY READER BIBLE - in Context Outline Format

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A presentation of the bible that...

Preface to the EASY READER BIBLE in Context Outline Format

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Introduction to the Old Testament Introduction to the New Testament
Books of Moses The Gospels  
01 - Genesis (draft available) 01 - According to Matthew (draft)
02 - Exodus (draft available) 02 - According to Mark (draft)
03 - Leviticus (draft available) 03 - According to Luke (draft)
04 - Numbers (draft available) 04 - According to John (draft)
05 - Deuteronomy (draft available)
05 - Acts of the Apostles (or Acts of the Spirit) (draft)
Historical Books
06 - The Book of Joshua (draft available) Letters of Paul
07 - The Book of Judges (draft available) 06 - To the Romans (draft)
08 - Ruth (draft available) 07 - First Letter to the Corinthians (draft)
09 - The First Book of Samuel (draft available) 08 - Second Letter to the Corinthians (NOT available)
10 - The Second Book of Samuel (draft available) 09 - To the Galatians (draft)
11 - The First Book of Kings (draft available) 10 - To the Ephesians (draft)
12 - The Second Book of Kings (draft available) 11 - To the Philippians (draft)
13 - The First Book of the Chronicles (draft available) 12 - To the Colossians (draft)
14 - The Second Book of the Chronicles (draft available) 13 - First Letter to the Thessalonians (draft)
15 - The Book of Ezra 14 - Second Letter to the Thessalonians (draft)
16 - The Book of Nehemiah 15 - First Letter to Timothy (draft)
17 - Esther 16 - Second Letter to Timothy (draft)
17 - To Titus (draft)
Poetry Books 18 - To Philemon (draft)
18 - The Book of Job (NOT available)
19 - Psalms (draft available!) Other Letters
20 - Proverbs (draft available) 19 - Letter to the Hebrews (draft)
21 - Ecclesiastes (NOT available) 20 - Letter of James (draft)
22 - The Song of Songs (NOT available) 21 - The First Letter of Peter (draft)
  22 - The Second Letter of Peter (draft)
Major Prophets 23 - The First Letter of John (draft)
24 - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 24 - The Second Letter of John (draft)
25 - Lamentations 25 - The Third Letter of John (draft)
26 - The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (draft available) 26 - Letter of Jude (draft)
27 - The Book of Daniel (draft available)
27 - The Revelation of John (draft)
Minor Prophets
28 - Hosea (draft available)
29 - Joel (draft available)
30 - Amos (draft available)
31 - Obadiah (draft available)
32 - Jonah (draft available)
33 - Micah (draft available)
34 - Nahum (draft available)
35 - Habakkuk (draft available)
36 - Zephaniah (draft available)
37 - Haggai
38 - Zechariah (draft available)
39 - Malachi (draft available)

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